LeeAnna McBee

LeeAnna McBee
Event Coordinator
I grew up in Moncks Corner, SC, and have lived in NC and TX. I have a blended family of 5 children and have been married for 13 years.
My background is in customer service, office administration, and Christian ministry.
Core Values: I believe you should always assume the best in everyone. We are each fighting a hard battle that others know nothing about.
I am the event coordinator and designer for our newsletter or items that we print. (Not social media)
I absolutely love seeing patients who have scars and skin issues be healed through treatments that do not require medicine or surgery.
I love working here because Dr. Harvey is an incredible person to work for. Her heart and soul are poured into her patients through treatment, prayer, and the genuine care that she provides. Watching her work and interact continuously influences me to be a better person and employee.
What is Leeanna watching, reading, or listening to?
A Knight’s Tale has always been my favorite movie. I enjoy conspiracy theory podcasts. The 5 People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom is a favorite book and anything written by Roald Dahl.